Be a History Detective: Learning About Henry Hudson

Click here to print out your detective's note page.

Read below and click the links to learn about Henry Hudson.
Then jot down your notes and discoveries on your "detective's note page.

Henry Hudson

Henry Hudson was one of the major explorers of New York State.  He was searching for the "Northwest Passage", but instead he found the Hudson River.  What was the Northwest Passage?


Click here to learn more about Henry Hudson and the Northwest Passage.
(Hint: Scroll down to find the information you need.)

You can also listen to Henry Hudson describe his journey.

Write down one interesting fact you learned.


Learn about Hudson's ship, the Half Moon.
What is the "Halve Maen"?


 Could you sketch a model of the Half Moon?

Click here to see more pictures of the Half Moon for ideas.



Travel the same route as Henry Hudson.

What is the name of the northern most city on this route?


People can learn about Henry Hudson's voyage on the Hudson River by reading Robert "Juet's Journal". Robert Juet was on the ship with Henry Hudson when he sailed up the Hudson River in 1609.
Who was Robert Juet?
Read a short passage from Juet's Journal. The writing may seem "odd" at first because it is transcribed from a very old document. Some words might sound strange, or be be spelled differently than we are used to. See if you can "translate" the passage, and answer the questions listed after the passage.