Learning Resources about Explorers


Explorers Webquest  ( http://www.jjn.gsacrd.ab.ca/studentpub/projects/webquest/NEWEXP~1.HTM )-- Task: create trading cards of explorers researched. Site includes explorer resources, trading card template and grading rubric.

Explorers on the Web Webquest ( http://cte.jhu.edu/techacademy/web/2000/slezak/explorerindex.html#task ) -- Task: Create a PowerPoint  slide presentation -- choose explorers based on country of origin -- describe explorer and his/her role in exploration

Case of the Missing Trunks Explorer Webquest ( http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/KingsParkES/technology/webquests/explorers/index.htm ) Task: figure out which explorer owned the trunk based on its contents. Evidence work sheet and passport templates are provided for the activities. (This project requires the use of  trunks filled with evidence pertaining to the five explorers that the teacher creates. The trunks could be made out of boxes, pencil cases, or even a piece of tag board folded in half. The evidence could be pictures or real items.) Nice creative investigative research approach!

Explorers of the New World Webquest ( http://www.dowslane.org/explore.htm ) -- Task: create a graphic presentation (flowchart, graphic organizer/Inspiration ) and explore what motivated explorers and their legacy

Great Explorers Webquest ( http://shuchi-webquests.tripod.com/explorers/  ) -- Task: Create a slide presentation --Webquests are set up for each different explorer with basic task to describe ship, map of route, description of explorer's personality, motivation, etc.

Let's Explore Webquest ( http://www.angelfire.com/planet/explorerwebquest/ )  Task: Research explorers to create a "log" telling about a part of your journey and write a letter to the King or Queen sponsoring your journey.

Welcome to Explorers Webquest ( http://www.gkonstantinou.com/Eport/Explorers/ ) Task:  you are in a time machine and must follow links to answer questions about various explorers so you can find your way back home

Explorers Connect Gamequest ( http://eprentice.sdsu.edu/J03OP/Andrews/gamequest/pages/webquest.htm )     Task: students design game pieces to play Connect game and showcase knowledge about explorers. Connect Ultimate Explorers Game

European Explorers Webquest ( http://everyschool.org/u/global/abarnum/explorer.html ) Task: Write a proposal to your sponsor, create a journal of your journey with a map, write a conclusion letter. Rubrics included

Other Web Resources

Web Sites on Explorers and the Age of Exploration ( http://www.cumbavac.org/Explorers.htm ) A huge collection of annotated links including  lesson plan and activity ideas.

Kids Online Explorer Resources (http://www.kidsolr.com/history/page2.html ) More links to explorer resources

Explorers and Explorations ( http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/subjects/explorers.htm ) Kid friendly site.

Explorers of the Millenium (http://library.thinkquest.org/4034/) Explorers Hall of Fame

History Mystery Explorer Games ( http://teacher.scholastic.com/histmyst/start.asp?Game=25  ) Two games on explorers from Scholastic. Click here for Game 2

Zoom into Maps ( http://memory.loc.gov/learn/features/maps/exploration.html ) Early maps