Triorama Rubric:
To be used with Holes
lesson or other language arts activities.
3 Triorama shows one
or more characters in a scene or situation from the story. Many visual details
are used which help describe the character and his or her actions in the story.
One or more characters are cut out and placed in the scene for a 3 dimensional
2 Triorama shows a
one or more character in a scene from the story. Some details are used to
help describe the character and his or her actions in the story.
1 Triorama shows one
or more characters in a scene or situation. Few details are used.
3 Triorama shows a
scene or situation from the story. Many details are used to describe the scene.
Colors are used that help reflect the mood for the scene. All of the background
has been considered and treated. Many cutout props and other items are used to
help describe the scene.
2 Triorama shows a
scene from the story. Some details are used to describe the scene. Some of the
background has been considered. Few props have been used.
1 Triorama shows a
scene from the story. Few or no details are used. Little of the background has
been considered. No props have been used.
3 Much time, care,
and thought has been used to create the triorama. The directions on how to
construct the triorama were followed (or perhaps extended to incorporate other
improved or alternative methods).
2 Some time, care,
and thought has been used to create the triorama.
1 The triorama was
hastily thrown together. Not much time, care or interest went into the project.
3 Carefully chosen
dialogue or information is added that helps show what the character is like or
how the scene contributes to a theme in the story. Spelling and grammar are
developmentally correct.
2 Some dialogue or
information is added to help describe the character or story. Most spelling and
grammar is developmentally correct.
1 Little written
information is added.
3 Communicates and
works effectively with others as active participant and responsive listener most
of the time
2 Communicates and
works effectively with others as active participant and responsive listener some
of the time
1 Seldom
participates in group work
Takes responsibility for individual contributions to group projects and shares
ideas, talents and workload most of the time
2 Takes responsibility for
individual contributions to group projects and shares ideas, talents, workload
some of the time
1 Seldom takes responsibility
for group work