How to Create a Brochure and/or Newsletter

Project Overview


Use MS Word to create a brochure or newsletter that serves to inform viewers about a topic on internet safety. The project requires you to acquire and demonstrate word processor skills such as laying out a document in columns (or using the provided template), formatting text, and/or inserting and formatting pictures.

It also requires you to review and or research the material provided, select a internet safety topic for your brochure to highlight. You need to communicate this information in an interesting, and attractive manner.



·         Internet Discussion/Review on topics related to internet safety

·         Brochure template hand-out with step-by-step directions

·         Microsoft Word

·         Printer

·         Paper

·         Planning Sheet (blank 8 ½  by 11 paper folded in thirds to create six brochure panels)

·         Evaluation rubric


  1. Review material on a topic of internet safety
  2. View the brochure template and review inserting and formatting text and graphics.
  3. Review how to locate templates (new office documents>publications>brochure, and on the web site.)
  4. Research any additional information about the topic
  5. Use the planning sheet to produce a rough layout for the brochure.
  6. Create the brochure
  7. Use rubric to evaluate the brochure and reflect on the process.



J. Black - 2006