Creating Class Webs:
A Tutorial for Teachers and Preservice Teachers




Class Webs

Web Examples
Classroom Webs
Hot Lists
Information Webs
Cyber Lessons

Planning Class Webs
What to Include
Finding Resources
Creating Resources
Organizing Content

Creating Class Webs
Creating Templates
FP2000 Tutorial
HTML Tutorial

Class Web Rubric



Class Webs

The main audience for your class web will be the students in your class and their parents. However, your class web may also provide useful information for your local community, or resources for the educational community at large.  Once information is published on the web it can be accessed by anyone with access to the Internet. If your class web provides valuable research information on a particular topic, a search engine may link others to your site.

The purpose of your site will vary with the kind of content you choose to include. 

However, your class web serves two main purposes:

  • It is a way to communicate with parents and the community
  • It is an interactive learning center for your students. 

Class webs can provide your students with access to rich resources for research, as well as many  opportunities  to acquire technology skills that will  enhance their problem solving abilities. Class webs can help to organize available research resources and help students focus to make the best use of their valuable time.





Introduction | Class Webs | Web Examples | Planning Webs | Creating Webs | Web Rubric | Resources

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© Joel Black 2001