Creating Class Webs:
A Tutorial for Teachers and Preservice Teachers




Class Webs

Web Examples
Classroom Webs
Hot Lists
Information Webs
Cyber Lessons

Planning Class Webs
What to Include
Finding Resources
Creating Resources
Organizing Content

Creating Class Webs
Creating Templates
FP2000 Tutorial
HTML Tutorial

Class Web Rubric



Class Web Rubric





The purpose of the web is clear. The information is useful, is interesting to read, and shows insight and/or knowledge of the subject matter.
2 Some information is incomplete or unclear. The information does not always reflect the purpose.
1 Information is incomplete, unclear, or inaccurate. The content lacks a purpose. No theme is evident.
Language and Convention
3 Writing is clear and concise with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar usage.
2 Writing has some minor problems with punctuation, spelling, or grammar usage.
1 Noticeable errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation.
Layout and Design
3 The layout is clear, attractive, and easy to follow. The design functions to fulfill the purpose of the site. Backgrounds or graphics enhance the pages and the text is easy to read. The format is consistent throughout the site.
2 The layout is mostly clear and easy to follow. There may be some inconsistency with the use of backgrounds or difficulty reading text..
1 The layout is confusing and difficult to read. The backgrounds or graphics are distracting. The design  is inconsistent throughout the site.
3 The hyperlinks are clear and easy to follow. How to navigate the site is clear either with a site guide or table of contents. Navigation is consistent throughout the site. Return links are present and work properly.
2 Most links work. Navigation may be confusing or lacks consistency throughout the site.
1 Links do not work. How to navigate is not clear. Return links are not present.
3 A complete list of resources are provided and listed in proper form. Contact information is provided. Feedback is sought and easy to give.
2 Some sources are listed. Contact information is difficult to locate.
1 No sources are provided. No contact information is given.


Introduction | Class Webs | Web Examples | Planning Webs | Creating Webs | Web Rubric | Resources

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© Joel Black 2001